Thursday, July 31, 2008

Backyard Friends

With all of our wonderful foliage in the backyard, we have made new "friends". Not all are friends. I will quickly call some of them foe's because I NEVER WANT TO SEE THEM AGAIN! Here is the first photo. Look carefully. It looks like there are berries on the tree.

As you look closer (see the next picture) you will see that they are not berries, but instead they are beetles. Japanese Beetles to be specific. Yuck!! Look at what they are doing to the leaves!

So I found a beetle killing spray that I connected to the end of my hose. Now there are many that are dead >:-) Yeah! Still need to spray some more.

Now there are some that I do not mind. Here is an *interesting* pair I found. In the words of Fillmore, the VW Bus on the movie Cars (voiced by the late, great George Carlin) with a 60's hippie tone, "There's a lot of love out there, man."


Anonymous said...

Interesting indeed! What ARE those????? How many birds do you get? I'd suggest getting bird feeders, but that gets a little crazy once you get started...

Japanese beetles? Yuck, indeed! I hope that spray got rid of them all! Up here we are dealing with carpenter ants.

♥ Becky ♥ said...

Okay, I'm with you on the Japanese Beetles. They look gross and it looks like they ruin your plants. Hopefully the spray works.

The second bug looks kinda cool. Almost like a giant dragonfly, although I don't know how close up you are to them.
I can't wait to see the lightening bugs!!!