Monday, May 19, 2008

My Last "Commute"

Before anyone (Becky) says anything about the gap between posts, I know it has been a while. As you can imagine, a lot has been going on. While we really have not done any packing (the moving company is doing everything) we have been doing a lot of other stuff around the house, not to mention still having baseball practices and games. So there is my excuse. Not a good one, but it is what it is.

So, anyway, I am sitting here at Chili's in the airport having a quick breakfast. Each time I head out, my father-in-law takes me to the airport, but he has to be at work by 7:00, so he always picks me up EARLY. Since I have time, I figured I would get a quick update in. I am waiting for a flight to Chicago. This is my last "commute" to the new office before our move. This also means we are less than two weeks from moving. I am glad that this will be my last trip away from my family for a while (I hope). Things are progressing along and we are just trying to make sure we have our berring's straight.

I was able to spend a little time with my sister yesterday. She bought a new TV (thank you stimulus package) and it would not fit in her car. So, I took the van over to pick it up and then helped her set it up real quick at her house. It was nice to hang out for a bit and goof off. The TV is nice, and I am sure Ty and Jeff will like it.

Anyway, it is 7:27 and my plane leaves at 8:15. Need to go through security. Another post soon (I promise).


Anonymous said...

That's gotta be nice being about finished up with the "commuting!"

This is super-exciting! I love the Chicago area and look forward to the best excuse to get back out there: Family!

Anonymous said...

Is it really only two weeks?? Time is flying! Take care... and a tip. Anything that you really, really want to have arrive undamaged and not lost you should pack separately and ship it yourself. Are you driving or do they ship your vehicles too?

♥ Becky ♥ said...

Love you little brother!!!! And I know you have been really busy with everything. I really do appreciate your help yesterday and yes it was cool to hang out too. Can't wait until next Tuesday and some one on one time with Brother and Sister.
Travel safe and take care until you come back.

♥ Becky ♥ said...

What about those pictures from today? :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey, Uncle Rick and I might be your way around the 4th of July! Drop us a line and perhaps we can connect on our way through! -- Aunt net