Thursday, June 26, 2008

Boxes Boxes Boxes

Man!! We have a lot of stuff. This should not be a surprise to those who know us well. Our inventory sheet from the moving company was 13 pages. This was not all boxes, but essentially, if it could fit in a box, they put it in a box. We have now been in our house for three weeks and we are still trying to unpack boxes. We have been able to get the kitchen completely done, the dining room, about half of the office, almost all of the boys' rooms, and most of our room. But, I would say we still have at least 20 boxes in the house that still need to be unloaded. Let's not talk about the garage. We have until the middle of July to get as many of the boxes emptied. We are afforded one box pickup from the moving company and we need to call them by the middle of July. This should be a good weekend for it. Plus, a three day weekend coming up for the 4th of July. Yeah!


♥ Becky ♥ said...

I wish I was there to watch the boys for you. Sounds like you have a lot ahead of you to do.
But once it's all done it will feel so good.
Miss you all so much!!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't remember now how many pages we had for our inventory, but it was probably close to that. Karen and our friend Janice were here to meet the movers.

Karen worked the inventory sheet while Janice pointed them to whichever room -- neither of them certain where we really wanted things. I think they called twice with questions and I did call at least once asking about the progress. They did a great job!

Listen, fold up and keep some of those boxes. You'll definitely find a use for them later on.